Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Program begins 7:00 pm
Cookies and Conversation 6:30 – 7:00
Montana WILD, 2668 Broadwater Ave.
Free – All Are Welcome
At the Sevenmile Creek stream restoration site, a few miles outside of Helena, the stories of birds make up a calendar of the year. In March the sun reflects intensely from the last patches of wet snow, and a brilliant yellow Western Meadowlark sings the coming of spring from a high perch. Late May finds six species of swallows darting over a pond, feeding on an insect hatch. A Northern Shrike perches on a twig over a crisp January stream, searching for voles.
Stories such as these are part of the essence of Helena, a particular fingerprint of seasons, birds, and landscape that is unique to our home. For the past two and a half years, naturalist and Carroll College student Shane Sater has been watching these stories unfold at Sevenmile Creek. Paralleling a recent presentation at Carroll College, Shane will tell the story of this landscape of grassland, thicket, and stream through the birds that live here. Please come to celebrate our shared home and get ready for spring through a glimpse into the lives of these remarkable birds.