Sixty-six species were seen on the Christmas Bird Count on December 17.  Take a look below at the results and comparison to all previous counts.

     2022 CBC – December 17, 2022 – Summary of 68 counts, 1954-2022 (no count in 1958) 
Species 2022 Count Times Seen Prev. High Count Year(s) Freq. 
Snow Goose 14 40 87 21%
Canada Goose 1563 54 3,656 07 79%
Cackling Goose 2 3 17, 20 3%
Trumpeter Swan 7 14 40 19 21%
Tundra Swan 21 35 88 31%
Wood Duck 25 34 36 04, 20 50%
Gadwall 2 28 61 95 41%
American Wigeon 21 26 90 31%
Mallard 393 64 10,216 80 94%
Blue-winged Teal 6 5 11 9%
Cinnamon Teal 3 7 93 4%
Northern Shoveler 9 13 03 13%
Northern Pintail 26 11 90 38%
Green-winged Teal 10 31 23 20 46%
Canvasback 5 10 06 7%
Redhead 12 35 20 18%
Ring-necked Duck 1 42 140 19 62%
Greater Scaup 3 4 01 4%
Lesser Scaup 15 10 20 22%
White-winged Scoter 2 1 87, 17 3%
Long-tailed Duck 1 4 03 1%
Bufflehead 27 32 20 40%
Common Goldeneye 140 66 377 20 97%
Barrow’s Goldeneye 75 49 305 09 72%
Hooded Merganser 19 9 91 28%
Common Merganser 1 54 214 73 79%
Red-breasted Merganser 4 12 99 6%
Ruddy Duck 11 3 01 16%
Chukar 1 1 98 1%
Gray Partridge 4 49 137 78 72%
Ring-necked Pheasant 3 35 60 62 51%
Ruffed Grouse 1 6 86 1%
Dusky Grouse 1 1 95 1%
Sharp-tailed Grouse 13 12 81 19%
Wild Turkey 11 4 9 22 6%
Common Loon 8 7 91 12%
Pacific Loon 0 0 18 0% CW only
Pied-billed Grebe 8 4 92 12%
Horned Grebe 5 2 89 7%
Eared Grebe 2 1 88,12 3%
Western Grebe 1 14 5 12 21%
American White Pelican 10 6 04 15%
Double-crested Cormorant 1 1 04 1%
Great Blue Heron 3 31 5 88 46%
Turkey Vulture 1 1 66 1%
Bald Eagle 17 60 36 94 88%
Northern Harrier 4 60 28 13 88%
Sharp-shinned Hawk 7 40 7 03,22 59%
Cooper’s Hawk 27 3 77,03 40%
Northern Goshawk 19 4 83 28%
Red-tailed Hawk 7 26 18 19 38%
Ferruginous Hawk 1 1 76 1%
Rough-legged Hawk 51 59 62 17 87%
Golden Eagle 1 43 7 64 63%
American Kestrel 3 21 4 17 31%
Merlin 11 51 10 22 75%
Gyrfalcon 9 2 90,93 13%
Peregrine Falcon 8 2 70 12%
Prairie Falcon 2 35 4 87 51%
American Coot 1 39 588 10 57%
Sandhill Crane 0 0 18 0% CW only
Killdeer 29 12 66 43%
Spotted Sandpiper 1 1 97 1%
Wilson’s Snipe 3 53 11 78 78%
Ring-billed Gull 24 803 03 35%
California Gull 11 57 01 16%
Herring Gull 13 15 01 19%
Glaucous Gull 1 1 97 1%
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 1 21 1%
Rock Pigeon 998 49 1,306 05 72%
Eurasian Collared-Dove 429 16 607 17 24%
Mourning Dove 10 12 16 15%
Western Screech Owl 1 1 69 1%
Great Horned Owl 3 47 7 87 69%
Snowy Owl 3 1 80,84,96 4%
Northern Pygmy Owl 8 4 85 12%
Long Eared Owl 1 1 80 1%
Short-eared Owl 18 11 68 26%
Northern Saw-whet Owl 1 1 86 1%
Belted Kingfisher 4 38 6 88,12 56%
Downy Woodpecker 10 63 18 00 93%
Hairy Woodpecker 2 53 16 12 78%
American Three-toed Woodpecker 2 1 12 3%
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) 83 65 112 21 96%
  Yellow Shafted Flicker (race) 1 6 2 05 9%
Pileated Woodpecker 1 1 09 1%
Loggerhead Shrike 2 1 65,83 3%
Northern Shrike 4 59 17 19 87%
Gray Jay 6 24 90 9%
Steller’s Jay 10 4 81,86 15%
Blue Jay 22 23 19 32%
Pinyon Jay 4 30 156 60 44%
Clark’s Nutcracker 22 61 220 91 90%
Black-billed Magpie 222 68 453 77 100%
American Crow
42 36 169 13 53%
Common Raven 262 55
10 81%
Horned Lark 47 50 5,329 72 74%
Black-capped Chickadee 150 66 156 00 97%
Mountain Chickadee 56 67 225 94 99%
Red-breasted Nuthatch 12 63 273 94 93%
White-breasted Nuthatch 9 51 22 97 75%
Pygmy Nuthatch 26 33 45 14 49%
Brown Creeper 1 22 7 81,04 32%
Canyon Wren 3 1 95,01 4%
Winter Wren 1 1 97 1%
Marsh Wren 9 4 88 13%
American Dipper 4 61 9 87 90%
Golden-crowned Kinglet 5 6 85,01 7%
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 1 0 22 1%
Western Bluebird 5 3 8 18 4%
Mountain Bluebird 2 1 97, 20 3%
Townsend’s Solitaire 49 67 142 07 99%
American Robin 134 52 227 05 76%
Varied Thrush 2 1 81 3%
Northern Mockingbird 1 1 87 1%
Brown Thrasher 0 0 19 0% CW only
European Starling 358 64 722 18 94%
Bohemian Waxwing 20 59 16,101 05 87%
Cedar Waxwing 51 33 132 08 49%
Spotted Towhee 1 1 11 1%
American Tree Sparrow 59 68 145 86 100%
Song Sparrow 8 62 44 66 91%
White-throated Sparrow 3 1 87,91,11 4%
Harris’s Sparrow 7 2 63,90, 21 10%
White-crowned Sparrow 6 12 18 9%
Dark-eyed Junco 61 51 147 21 75%
Lapland Longspur 7 40 70 10%
Snow Bunting 4 12 80 96 18%
Red-winged Blackbird 1 37 161 65 54%
Western Meadowlark 11 51 79 16%
Rusty Blackbird 1 6 9 17 9%
Brewer’s Blackbird 13 17 67 19%
Brown-headed Cowbird 1 1 75 1%
Common Grackle 3 1 11, 17 4%
Rosy Finch 14 75 77 21%
Pine Grosbeak 23 253 77 34%
Purple Finch 1 1 95 1%
Cassin’s Finch 29 100 64 43%
House Finch 568 43 946 00 63%
Red Crossbill 39 351 95 57%
White-winged Crossbill 3 30 84 4%
Common Redpoll 20 48 979 01 71%
Hoary Redpoll 2 2 77,01 3%
Pine Siskin 1 40 388 95 59%
American Goldfinch 19 20 26 79 29%
Evening Grosbeak 32 141 84 47%
House Sparrow 1265 68 2,826 08 100%

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